A Child is to be Born

We have some exciting news coming in our family.  My wife and I will have a new grandchild who will be born either at or after Christmas day. The date is December 27 or earlier.

I cannot imagine what the atmosphere would have felt like in Mary and Joseph’s family when baby Jesus was about to be born.  We have a glimpse in the Gospel according to Luke after his birth.

Life must have been very different after his birth as it will be for our daughter and my son-in-law.  A baby has somehow a way to bring newness of life into the home.

It got the Magi on the move.  It got Herod worried about his kingdom and he wanted to kill him along hundreds of other children 2 years old and under.  Just think, that every time a baby is born a whole household change.  Each one of us carry around an ‘influence’ ready to potentially turn the world upside down.  But why does it not always happen this way>

When even one of us make a change in our life, our entire family could be changed and hope in a better future.  Each one of us has the potential to change the world for the better by changing ourselves. Sometimes we need God’s help and with hope in our heart we might find him to be very merciful toward us after we have failed him so many times.  God is patient and he will forgive.  He promises and it happens.  He forgives to the deepest degree of love.  He is never tired of you, and he wants you to run to him with open arms.

This Christmas could be as special for you as that first Christmas over 2000 years ago or this Christmas for us as we are expecting our second grandchild.  You might want to consider a brand-new start with Jesus.  He is Lord of lords and King of kings.  We are not waiting for a baby-king in a manger, we are longing for his coming back in a wonderful revelation.  Every knee will bow, and every tongue confess he is Lord (Philippians 2:10-11). He can turn your life around now.



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