Walking in the Light

Walking in the light involves honesty to God and our fellow brothers and sisters. 

This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you,

That God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.

If we say we have fellowship with him while

we are in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth.

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light,

We have fellowship with one another,

And the blood of Jesus, his Son cleanses us from all sins.

(1John 1:5-7)


Where there is Light there is harmony, if we live in the Light as God is the Light we will be pure like he is.  We stay in the Light through the forgiveness of our sins.  Confession to him is essential and we cannot hide anything from God.  If you are not confessing, you are wasting your time and fellowship with him and other believers.  A relationship will not be free from difficulties, but it must be free of sins and hidden issues in all levels.  It is called ‘open relationship’. Our words and actions matter


It is very necessary to keep the foxes out of the barn so that the chickens will survive.  So, it is in relationships vertical or lateral that they will be free from any impurities.  In any relationship there is always a check in the heart of the individuals if something is amiss or awkward.  The conscience that is sensitive to the Holy Spirit or even one that cannot tolerate wrong is gold.  I expect my conscience to keep me sensitive to the Holy Spirit and I like it that way.  Far be it for me to dwell in the tent of wickedness.  As much as I can do it, I like to stay in the Light although my flesh demands it the other way.  My ambition is to keep God and my wife happy as long as I live.


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