Putting Money in its Place

 Old wrinkled hands with some coins


In this world where everything is focused on making a living and getting ahead, it can be challenging for a Christian to keep his or her focus on God. Let us face it, who does not around here worry about money? 

I was until this morning when God dropped some concept in my mind. 

Where is your money sitting right now in your heart? Is it on the throne of your heart? Do you worry a lot about money? We all do at one time or another...but this morning it stopped for me as God showed me what money was really supposed to be in my life. He simply said: “Money is an accessory.” Comparing it to a woman who likes to wear jewelry or makeup or have a nice purse. All those are merely accessories. Something that is added. I looked at the definition and that is what it was. Money is not a necessity; it is an accessory something that is added in your life by God. Matthew 6:33 says: “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you” 

Money gets added to you. It is not something you are supposed to seek. You must seek what pleases God first and do it. Money is not a necessity, God is. You can live without money more than you can live without breath or a heartbeat or mainly God. If God is out of your life, you are nothing, you have nothing.  

That verse in Matthew 6:33 is sandwiched between 2 verses on worry...Verse 32 says these things are sought by the heathen (world). In verse 34 it says that tomorrow can worry about itself. There is enough pain in a day. 

As you trust God with your life he will add to your life when you need whatever you need. One day can make a significant difference in someone’s life. One day can change everything. Trust God and make him “essential” in your life 


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