Carrying in us the Death of Christ (2 Corinthians 4:10)

Is it not wonderful to know that we Christians have a purpose for everything we go through? Our hope is not aimless nor is the purpose of our suffering. Although you or I might not go through persecutions, we go through trials. We are sometimes afflicted in some ways and our lives might still demand endurance and patience.  

We might be emotionally targeted by the enemy. A mental assault could affect our life in an extremely negative way. Although these might be results, we could expect in normal circumstances.  Because we are Christians, we are given the mind of Christ, and we can approach our lives with the focus of Christ’s death.  

Like it says it in this verse in 2 Corinthians 4:10 always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies.”  

Therefore, now more than ever your life as a Christian has meaning. All those trials and afflictions are aimed by the enemy to make you fall but because you are carrying in your body the death of Jesuswhich is his humility and love it produces life instead and you become victorious in Christ because of his resurrection life at work in you. 

Now that you know the impact and the value of these trials or even persecutions you live at peace knowing God is in control and you have no fear. Everything that you go through is aimed at Christ in you and in Christ you stand victorious because of what he did. 

This is in the context of this passage; we must see all that we go through to be related to his death on the Cross and we carry it in our bodies. As a result, the life of the Holy Spirit gushes out of us like a mighty river of Life which cannot be stopped. 


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