The Mystery of Faith (1 Timothy 3:16)

“Without question, this is the great mystery of our faith:

Christ was revealed in a human body

And vindicated by the Spirit.

He was seen by angels and announced to the nations.

He was believed in throughout the world

And taken to heaven in glory”

(1 Timothy 3:16)


One might ask: What the great mystery and why is it so extraordinary?

This is a question that has come to my mind lately.


1)      Christ was revealed in a human body: This distinguishes the Christian faith from all the other faiths that proclaim their leaders to be spirits or dead.  Christianity makes itself unique as the leader has a physical body.  Even more the body had to come from a virgin to be created unto perfection by God.

2)      Vindicated by the Spirit: This word means to clear of suspicion or guilt.  In this sense he was proven to be true where we receive this assurance of faith as a witness from the Spirit.  He was proven to be right.

3)      He was seen by the angels: At birth, Jesus was seen by the angels in Bethlehem.

4)      He was announced to the nations:  In order for faith to be set in concrete it had to be proclaimed to the nations as an action of faith.  It was first proclaimed by the shepherds at his birth and to king Herod by the Magi.  It Has been proclaimed ever since.

5)      He was believed in throughout the world:  As a consequence of all that he was believed in meaning that the “believe” came from us.  It is our action of faith in response to all he has done.

6)      And taken to heaven in glory:  Our Lord and Saviour has risen to heaven.  Not dead, like the other leaders in other religions.


All these points are interconnected and independent controlled by the power of God and in accomplishing one purpose.  The affirming and strengthening of our faith showing by this extraordinary mystery of that faith the majesty of our great God in setting up his Kingdom above all kingdoms and principalities and powers.

Every knee will have to bow, and every tongue will have to confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.


Nevertheless, this is only my definition of this mystery which is difficult and impossible to understand or explain





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