In God's Strength ( Luke 4:1-15)


In God’s Strength

Luke 4:1-15

During his 40 days fast, Jesus was tempted by the devil himself.  It is not something to take too lightly.  A short fast can be challenging for most people, never mind a 40 days’ fast.  For Jesus coming in his humanity and going through these temptations as a human being it must have been very challenging.  Like ourselves when faced with temptations his only weapon was the Word of God.  All the Scriptures he chose against his enemy were out of Deuteronomy.  When it came to Satan making the offer and suggesting that he turned the rocks into loaves of bread, it was real, and I am sure that the temptation to do so would have been strong enough to sent desires to his brain. This was a real battle for Jesus fighting a real desire.  Have you ever attempted a fast?


Mostly, what I see through this passage is that Jesus did it in the power of the Holy Spirit.  He didn’t do it in his own human strength.  He had to lay down self and operate in the power of the Holy Spirit.  The devil is way too powerful for any human to take on.  What is interesting to note is that the devil challenged him on his sonship.  But Jesus fought him in the power of the Word and of the Holy Spirit.  This temptation gives us a true lesson on the reality of the fight from a human standpoint.  He came into the wilderness in the power of the Holy Spirit and in verse 14 he continued in the power of the Holy Spirit.  Rather than being deflated and exhausted he kept on going.  His physical needs and desire didn’t necessarily weaken him spiritually.


Of course, I cannot deny the fact that in Matthew 4, the angels finally ministered to him.  Nevertheless this still mean that he was still in communion with God and as strong at the beginning than at the end.

I realize, we could make the excuse that he is the Son of God, but this temptation is fought as we would have to do it….in the power of the Holy Spirit and with God’s word.  We have after all no excuse whatsoever.


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