
Focus can be an all-around good thing: In your life or business, job, and goals that you set for yourself.
As well, in your spiritual life you can focus on whoever you think your maker is.  As a Christian, for me it boils down to ‘adoration or worship.  Focussing on God and removing all distractions.
We are so used to focus on social media that we lose focus on the main thing, which is relationships, one at a time.  Even God take the second best.
Focussing in photography is moving the focus of the lens to the right or to the left unless it is automatic.
God has spoken to me about the importance of keeping the focus on anything or anyone important to us.  If we lose focus on God for example, he loses some of his power in our lives to the point we end up becoming useless for him.  Like a photograph becoming useless when it is out of focus.  I want you to be able to reflect on your life and notice that you have lost focus on some of the important stuff.  It sometimes can even cause you to go backward instead of forward.
Honesty is the quality that would keep us focussed on any relationship whether it be with God, friends and marriage or significant other.  All the flaws of the individuals fall automatically to the sides when we are totally honest.  I encourage you to be honest with God.  He knows any of your struggles, but he wants you to communicate it back to him.  For example, myself, I want to get serious about being closer to him.  I know I must take steps in that direction.  Action is required.  My prayer should then be: “God help me to get closer to you”, I want to also read my Bible more and be ready for what he has for me.  “Make me thirsty and hungry for you and your word”. Be sincere in your prayers like you really desire it.  Have fun reading his word (the Bible).  Do it because you want to, not because you have to as a rule. 
Love the Lord your God with all your heart (Matthew 22:37)


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