Focus on One


Focus on One

I was prompted to look at something shiny and precious and low and behold, the word “Focus” came to mind.

We all need to focus, not on our wealth but on the One who made it.  Shiny things and wealth and wealthy people will all disappear into eternity and be gone like grass in the wind.

I was watching a short video about someone wealthy retaliating against what people were doing to him.  He was speaking to his audience with a few chosen words I would not want to repeat here.  Because of his foul language, I valued him less than I did before.  The language a person chooses de-values someone’s character very fast.  I am not saying that everyone should change their language to be a good person.  It must be a matter of heart about who you focus on while you speak.

I am certainly not saying that you must focus on pleasing everyone around you.  No, you must focus on pleasing only One and that is God through Jesus Christ.  It takes a lot of the pressure off, and the burden is then lifted of you trying your whole life to please your boss, your spouse, friends, and so on.  If you, please One you will please ALL.

Yes, focus on the One and he will shine for you everywhere you go.  He will be glorified, and this is the only thing that will MATTER to you and truly make you happy.  Keeping your heart on the target of your hope.  Your faith is so precious to Him, and your faith should also be precious to you, or you will lose it.  Your faith is more precious to Him than gold which He wants to prove by fire.  Your faith should have just or more value to you that you are willing to let Him prove it and not shy away from the test.  Walk by faith and you will never regret it.

Well, you might ask.  How do I focus on Him alone? I have so many things going on in my life.

Good question!  You start with making Him the target of your heart.  Do you see Him now so loving and waiting for you to come to Him?  He does love you; he does not pretend like other people you have been trying to please do.  Seek (love) his Kingdom (him) first and all these things will be added to you. (Matthew 6:33).  He is so good; He just is waiting for you to promote Him with your heart.



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