
Showing posts with the label keep

I Keep on Writing

  I Keep on Writing Although I am kept busy by different situations happening in our lives I want to keep writing even if it is a short message. I was reading out of Acts 18 and verses 9-10 stuck out.   “And the Lord said to Paul one night in a vision, “Do not be afraid, but go on speaking and do not be silent, for I am with you, and no one will attack or harm you, for I have many in this city who are my people.” So I am writing this morning before I post this.   I normally write the day before, but we put a new washer in this old house and the washer is not responding properly to the old plumbing.   The washer has a brain in the form of a chip.   We have had to do our laundry outside the home the old fashion way in a laundromat.   It takes more time and so that is why my writing is affected. I will hopefully write more later on because I like writing and some of you have been kind enough to encourage me to keep writing. I thought that these verses were quite appropriate for

Keep the Faith (2 Timothy 4:7)

  Times might be a bit tougher in our world, but I want to encourage you with this verse in 2 Timothy 4:7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Here Paul is giving us a message, a teaching.  He is giving us a vision, a goal. What if I put that verse in a goal mode starting with: My life-goal is to fight the good fight It is to finish the race, and to keep the faith. The good fight is fought by faith The race is being run by faith and through it all we keep the faith. Well, how do we keep our eyes on the goal.  We just keep our eyes on Jesus!(Hebrews 12:2) who is the Author and Finisher of our faith. Note to you all: I will take a bit of rest from this blog for the month of October and hopefully blog again in early November for you all. I appreciate you all and hope you will all be back in November. God bless you all and he loves you. Your friend Bernard

Guard your Heart (Psalm 119:9)

  Guard your Heart   “How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it, according to your Word.” (Psalm 119:9)   Your spiritual heart   Heart is the seat of life; you make it a throne to whoever or whatever is important to you.  Physically, the heart is the junction of many highways filled with blood and the blood means life to you and God.  Therefore, it is important to guard your heart with a breastplate.  It is important to guard your life.  Today, many people experience a lot of stress for different reasons.  One reason might be that in our society we have taught ourselves that saying “no” to different things is a bad answer.  We say to our children, “Don’t say ‘no’ to me”.  This does not encourage open communication.  What I am trying to say is that by not saying ‘no’ we create stress in our lives and the highways of our heart are opened to whatever we failed to filter through.  Saying ‘no’ is healthy. Depending on the circumstances   According to your Word