
Promises to Keep : Hypocrisy or denial? 1John 4:20

Promises to Keep : Hypocrisy or denial? 1John 4:20 : If someone says, "I love God", but hates a Christian brother or sister, that person is a liar; for if we don't love people we ...

Promises to Keep : Hypocrisy or denial? 1John 4:20

Promises to Keep : Hypocrisy or denial? 1John 4:20 : If someone says, "I love God", but hates a Christian brother or sister, that person is a liar; for if we don't love people we ...

Hypocrisy or denial? 1John 4:20

If someone says, "I love God", but hates a Christian brother or sister, that person is a liar; for if we don't love people we can see, how can we love God whom we have not seen? I just read the definition of what an hypocrite is on this website (                                                          Hypocrite:                                                       Someone who                                                     conveniently forgets                                                    their faults to point out                                                    someone else's. I want to admit that by this definition, I am a hypocrite because although I don't like to see myself being that way I honestly think I am.  This word though is taken very lightly to describe in general all Christians.  This definition shows that none of us are perfect and that we are all out there pointing some faults of someone else because we can't

Promises to Keep : Malachi 2:13-14 Loyalty to a wife or a friend

Promises to Keep : Malachi 2:13-14 Loyalty to a wife or a friend : Here is another thing you do.  You cover the Lord's altar with tears, weeping and groaning because he pays no attention to your offering...

Malachi 2:13-14 Loyalty to a wife or a friend

Here is another thing you do.  You cover the Lord's altar with tears, weeping and groaning because he pays no attention to your offerings and he doesn't accept them with pleasure.  You cry, "Why has the Lord abandoned us?  I'll tell you why!  Because the Lord witnessed the vows you and your wife made to each other on your wedding day when you were young.  But you have been disloyal to her, though she remained your faithful companion, the wife of your marriage vows. This is the book written by the prophet Malachi to the people of that time, but it can also be interpreted as a message to all of us so let's not be pointing fingers except to ourselves.  We, as people in general come to God and ask him, "What is the matter with you?  Why does it look like you have abandoned us? We sometimes even blame God for our hardships and here he gives us the answer in the book of Malachi, one of the smallest book of the Bible but with a punch.  The book of Malachi is a great

Promises to Keep : Where is God's Wisdom found? Bits and pieces f...

Promises to Keep : Where is God's Wisdom found? Bits and pieces f... : But do people know where to find wisdom?  Where can they find understanding?  No one knows where to find it, for it is not found among the l...

Where is God's Wisdom found? Bits and pieces from Job 28:12-28

But do people know where to find wisdom?  Where can they find understanding?  No one knows where to find it, for it is not found among the living... It cannot be bought for gold and silver.  Its value is greater than all the gold of Ophir, greater than the precious onyx stone or sapphires.  Wisdom is far more valuable than gold and crystal...  The price of wisdom is far above pearls...Topaz from Ethiopia cannot be exchanged for it... But do people know where to find wisdom?  Where can they find understanding?  For it is hidden from the eyes of humanity... God surely knows where it can be found.  For he looks throughout the whole earth, under all the heavens... ...And this is he says to all humanity: 'The fear of the Lord is true wisdom; to forsake evil is real understanding. Wisdom.  We say and do seek our own wisdom in many ways which is according to the Apostle James chapter 3:15 earthly, unspiritual, motivated by the devil.  Wow! That's what God think of our wisdom. So where