Hypocrisy or denial? 1John 4:20

If someone says, "I love God", but hates a Christian brother or sister, that person is a liar; for if we don't love people we can see, how can we love God whom we have not seen?

I just read the definition of what an hypocrite is on this website (www.psychopathfree.com)

                                                      Someone who 
                                                   conveniently forgets
                                                   their faults to point out
                                                   someone else's.

I want to admit that by this definition, I am a hypocrite because although I don't like to see myself being that way I honestly think I am.  This word though is taken very lightly to describe in general all Christians.  This definition shows that none of us are perfect and that we are all out there pointing some faults of someone else because we can't stand our own faults.
I do spend too much time on a certain social media.  Humanly speaking, like everyone else I am drawn to the negative but I see a lot of people who delight to point others people's faults and if that is what a hypocrite is, then honestly  we are all in some ways a hypocrite by definition.  Even in the requirements of our jobs or family obligations or religious obligation.  We are not measuring up at all, if however we are truly honest with ourselves.  Come on!  Can you say beyond the shadow of a doubt you are practicing accurately everything that you believe in without slipping once?
Jesus Christ practiced everything accurately by loving others like they should be loved so that all we have to do is follow him and if we fail to do all we have to do we must stop and  admit it to him.  Hypocrisy is not the worse sin I am sure.  I don't know what the worse sin is but off my head right now that in the sight of God "denial" of any kind would be pretty high on that list.  We can deny we have sinned or we can deny God or anything or anybody else.  (We all have failed at some point in our lives.)
Of course, in so doing we would deny ourselves and the existence and the life God would want us to live.
Jesus Christ, the greatest person who ever lived on this earth had you on his mind when he died on the cross.  He didn't deny you and so you shouldn't deny yourself.  Come to him, he is the one who truly loves you.


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