God can be trusted whole heartedly (Psalm 41)
Today’s scripture is straight forward:
is the one who considers the poor!
the day of trouble, the Lord delivers him;
Lord protects him and keeps him alive;
is called blessed in the land;
do not give him up to the will of his enemies.
Lord sustains him on his sickbed;
his illness you restore him to full health.
Yes although the picture changes
after this verse as he goes through persecution he does not take his sight off
the Lord and he return to him in victory.
Why? Based on his integrity. The
psalmist always believed that his integrity would save him. He viewed God with a pure heart and blessed
are those who are pure in heart for they shall see God. It is the way you think God views you that
affects your relationship the most. Look
at the servant who hid his talent and did not let it grow into a profit. He did not view his master as a good master
because he feared him.
The ultimate test of trust in God is reaching out to the
poor. People we would normally pass by
now we have to reach out to and love them with the love of God and our most
priced possession, our money. A test of
faith of who is ready to let it go not for anyone else’s sake but God. With that promise, he will look after you in
sickness and health and you will know he will bless you. You will be able to breath the blessings
because you will have been a blessing to the lowest one in society, the poor.
Oh, what a feeling to reach down to the lowest and not feel the pressure of the
crowd-pleasers. It is better than
$10,000 paychecks but to have the blessing of the Heavenly Father upon your
life, it is very precious. In verse
11-12 he even say it as a sign of God’s blessing:
this I know that you delight in me;
enemy will not shout in triumph over me.
you have upheld me because of my integrity,
set me in your presence forever.
I am left with one question after
this: “Would my integrity have a
complete effect on how much victory the enemy claim on me? If so I should probably more aware of my
right standing with God. Our integrity
is in Christ and in Christ we must remain.