Investing in people

The whole world is into it now, investing, gambling and banking but is it for the Christian community to get involved.  We like it but is it good, is it expedient?  Do we honour God in that way?  Jesus said sell, give to the poor but is that too radical for us?  There is a constant pull in us to be like the world.  It is comfortable.  We have to provide for our families, or do we?  Is it not God’s responsibility?  Do we let him be God?  Do we let him be in control or do we do our own thing?  How much comfort do we need?  It is hard for me to write this because I like it so much my way.

But I also like it God’s way and I want to grow in wisdom, his wisdom.  Many will hate it but that is the risk I take, not to be liked.

Nevertheless, in Galatians 6:7 it says: “Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap”(NLT)

Yes, and so God does not want to be mocked and so he will remain faithful to you when you give.  That verse is in the context of giving.  God can be trusted even when no one else can.  If he says he will not let you run out of resources when you give to the poor, he will do as he said. 

This is I believe the antidote to greed, giving your money to the poor as God prompt you to do it. It is also a different way to invest as when you give to the poor you loan to the Lord (Proverbs 19:17) Never do those things unless you are certain that is what he wants you to do.  God speaks differently to one person as he dos to another.  He enables us differently in the faith as well as we trust him in our own unique ways.  God wants us to trust him and maybe he has different levels of trust for everybody.  For my part, I want to leave a good mark on society, and I believe we Christians ought to look after the poor and bless this world.  I think it is ridiculous that we have so many billionaires and millionaires in this world and that so many people are starving to death and cannot make ends meet even some locally as our neighbours.  Please look around and do not be afraid to stretch yourself and help the poor in your local community.  We need to find a way to reach out and touch someone.  Do not just do it for your church or because of your church do it for God and his Kingdom.  For a higher purpose.  If this has inspired you, please leave a  comment.


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