
From the Heart by B.Demaere: Power of Teamwork (Nehemiah 3)

From the Heart by B.Demaere: Power of Teamwork (Nehemiah 3) :   The Power of Teamwork In any situation such as the home and work teamwork is very valuable. My wife and I have been together 35 years ...

Power of Teamwork (Nehemiah 3)

  The Power of Teamwork In any situation such as the home and work teamwork is very valuable. My wife and I have been together 35 years and a great deal of that has been because of our love for each other and team spirit in our relationship. You can incorporate the team idea to anything.   Encourage to home environment to be a team by involving the whole family to play games and engage in team activities or sports.   In doing shores together.   Even family devotion or just time well spend together other than TV watching. What destroys team spirit is the individual use of surfing on electronic devices such as phones and laptops.   The loneliness has increased since people have touch on social media.   What we thought would make us more socialized has isolated us instead. After COVID we need to team up and be a society again. For example, in the book of Nehemiah in the Bible, chapter 3.   We see that a whole community of Israelites had united and worked together to rebuild th

From the Heart by B.Demaere: Priorities of Eternal Purpose (John 6:25-30)

From the Heart by B.Demaere: Priorities of Eternal Purpose (John 6:25-30) :   Priorities of Eternal Purpose (John 6:25-30) At the beginning of this chapter, Jesus had miraculously fed 6000 people with 2 fishes and ...

Priorities of Eternal Purpose (John 6:25-30)

  Priorities of Eternal Purpose (John 6:25-30) At the beginning of this chapter, Jesus had miraculously fed 6000 people with 2 fishes and 5 loaves of bread.   Do you think that this would have been enough of a miracle for them to believe? Not really.   They wanted more.   More of what? Of Jesus or the miracles? Apparently, more miracles.   They wanted to believe in Jesus, but he did not do enough for them to believe in him. (John 6:30) He gently corrects them by telling them in the rest of the chapter that the bread he has which is his body is more than enough for them to believe because it is eternal in purpose.   Miracles Are only temporary and once you see one you must have another one.   The food they need must be eternal. It must be eternal if it is going to bring them spiritual satisfaction. As their human nature must have been fixated on the work of miracles that they would have to do Jesus points them out to God’s right expectation for them.   Simply to believe in the o

From the Heart by B.Demaere: Healing of a Paralyzed Man (John 5:3-18)

From the Heart by B.Demaere: Healing of a Paralyzed Man (John 5:3-18) :   Healing of a Paralyzed Man (John 5:3-18)   Jesus understands any disease and health issue.   He will not ignore anyone and the reason so...

Healing of a Paralyzed Man (John 5:3-18)

  Healing of a Paralyzed Man (John 5:3-18)   Jesus understands any disease and health issue.   He will not ignore anyone and the reason someone may not get their healing on time is just because of that.   The timing of God is different than our timing.   Like the prophet Isaiah said:   His thoughts are not our thoughts, and his ways are not his ways (Isaiah 55:8,9).   We must trust him even though it might be challenging at times. This man was physically paralysed, he could not move into the pool on time when the angel stirred it.   He had been sick for 38 years (v.5).   Nobody had helped him since all wanted to get into the pool first.   The first one would be healed. He had certainly lost all hope for healing until then. But then Jesus came on the scene.   When Jesus comes into a situation there is always hope and life.   You have to reach out and quit giving him excuses why you cannot…. Everything is possible with Jesus.   We can put the impossibilities on ourselves just by ou

From the Heart by B.Demaere: Focus

From the Heart by B.Demaere: Focus : Focus Focus can be an all-around good thing: In your life or business, job, and goals that you set for yourself. As well, in your spiritual ...