Healing of a Paralyzed Man (John 5:3-18)


Healing of a Paralyzed Man (John 5:3-18)

 Jesus understands any disease and health issue.  He will not ignore anyone and the reason someone may not get their healing on time is just because of that.  The timing of God is different than our timing.  Like the prophet Isaiah said:  His thoughts are not our thoughts, and his ways are not his ways (Isaiah 55:8,9).  We must trust him even though it might be challenging at times.

This man was physically paralysed, he could not move into the pool on time when the angel stirred it.  He had been sick for 38 years (v.5).  Nobody had helped him since all wanted to get into the pool first.  The first one would be healed. He had certainly lost all hope for healing until then.

But then Jesus came on the scene.  When Jesus comes into a situation there is always hope and life.  You have to reach out and quit giving him excuses why you cannot…. Everything is possible with Jesus.  We can put the impossibilities on ourselves just by our own fears.

Jesus is also Love.  The Bible says that love (of God) casts all fears.

The Love of God believes all things.  It is not naively believing anything, but it has faith in God that he will do something for you in any situation.  It is better to believe in God than to be afraid of him.

Although the teachers of the Law told the man that he could not be healed on the Sabbath.  Jesus who is Lord of the Sabbath came in and healed him.

After the healing was over, they wanted to kill Jesus, but Jesus knew that even this would be done in his Father’s timing.

The time for that man came for the healing and it had to be on that day and at that hour.  It looks like this means your healing might be on the way.  Imagine having to wait for 38 years, that hour of healing might have been sweet.  Keep trusting that God knows best!





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