
Praising Always!

There are many scriptures in the Bible that encourage us to praise the Lord. It is easy to praise God when we have a song in our heart, and everything is going great. It is a different story when it is not so good. It is like taking off the ground assuming you are a bird lifting a heavy weight. Can anyone relate?   It feels like we are constantly oppressed by the power of darkness. Could it be that what Israel is experiencing right now be the reason for this oppression?   Nevertheless, we must praise the Lord through this oppression. Things are happening in the heavenlies and in this world that we do not understand. Only God and the enemy understand, and we must persevere through this.   Anyway, I am calling on all the praisers out there to get singing (it is your privilege to be chosen as the ones who go first). It is going to be good. Victory is ours. It is not time to be weary and discouraged, it is time to confront a problem head-on and fight with praise and thanksgivi

God's Light still Shines

It all started when I read: “ For God, who said, Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ .” ( 2 Corinthians 4:6)   I knew right there and then that God’s light was about to shine in my heart, and it did.   I was inspired by someone’s post about Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”   As the post went on with expectation, we might have on another. I realized I had expected my plans to take place in someone else’s and not God’s. I knew I had to do my part of releasing my grip on that person and allow God to work in theirs instead.   The light of God had shone in my heart. The revealing light of his presence. There is freedom in this and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom. We must forgive and release people constantly because we not only bound them but ourselves as well and b

Carrying in us the Death of Christ (2 Corinthians 4:10)

Is it not wonderful to know that we Christians have a purpose for everything we go through? Our hope is not aimless nor is the purpose of our suffering. Although you or I might not go through persecutions, we go through trials. We are sometimes afflicted in some ways and our lives might still demand endurance and patience.   We might be emotionally targeted by the enemy. A mental assault could affect our life in an extremely negative way. Although these might be results, we could expect in normal circumstances.   Because we are Christians, we are given the mind of Christ, and we can approach our lives with the focus of Christ’s death.   Like it says it in this verse in 2 Corinthians 4:10 “ always carrying in the body the death of Jesus , so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies.”    Therefore, now more than ever your life as a Christian has meaning. All those trials and afflictions are aimed by the enemy to make you fall but because you are carrying in yo

Status Quo, Long term? (Jeremiah 33)

    Are you ever uncomfortable in your own skin ?  I am, I cannot accept the status quo in any area of my life .   I like the newness of life .  I get bored easily.   Are you a lover of routine? I like routine but I like changes as well.   Status quo means the existing state, the present state of a situation. These are areas we accept status quo .  Our meals, our homes, and our countries.   There is one who might not like the status quo .  He may find your routine boring, you use different recipes .  You could change your home decor and what about your country? Sometimes, God does not like the status quo    Are you happy with the violence and drugs being legal in your country ?  Do you ever think of what the long-term effect might have on your children or grandchildren if things do not change?  I do.   There is another status quo we must be aware of .  There are thousands of people choosing evil rather than good every day .  That should make us cringe.   I found a word in Jeremiah 3