1John 2:18; Isaiah 26:5-7 To be forewarned is to be forearmed

Dear children, the last hour is here.  You have heard that the Antichrist is coming, and already many such antichrists have appeared.  From this we know that the end of the world has come.

He humbles the proud and brings the arrogant city to the dust.  Its walls come crashing down!  The poor and oppressed  trample underfoot.
But for those who are righteous, the path is not steep and rough.
You are a God of justice and you smooth out the road ahead of them.

Everywhere in this world I am sure.  I know for a fact that Christians around me  not only feel but know that if less than 2000 years ago the apostle John was saying that we are in the last hour, now we must be in the last minute.  This is for the whole world to know and that is why God wants to give to all a fair warning.  In the 1980's I remember a lot of books were written about the end times and I believe back then God was already preparing people for those days.  The warning has been out there for a long time because God is not willing that any should perish but have eternal life.
The reason I put these two portions of the Scriptures together is that yes people will leave the churches for any reason they choose, and evil will rise all over the world but in the end the righteous will succeed.  The strength of evil is not in furry and hunger, rather it's a weakness.
The poor and oppressed are the ones who will trample underfoot the arrogant city and not the other way around.  There are shouts of joy in the tent of the righteous and not despair.  Faith is seeing what God sees is going to happen and no amount of evil can quench it.
Please forgive me if some of you are better in English than I am and have been annoyed by my incorrectness but in that too God looks at the heart.  French is my mother tongue. 
Please just don't miss the point of what I am trying to say.  I don't want to be popular I want to tell the Truth as much as I can.
Thank you for the loyalty that some of you have, I will get better with time like cheese.
Have a great day!
Note: If you want to leave a comment below just put your first name or contact me through Facebook.  I don't even know how to use your information so I believe you are safe.


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