He is Coming and yes it is soon! (2 Peter 3:2-4)

 First, I want to remind  you that in the last days there will be scoffers who will laugh at the truth and do every evil thing they desire.  This will be their argument: "Jesus promised to come back, did he? Then where is he?  Why, as far back as anyone can remember, everything has remained exactly the same since the world was first created." (2 Peter 3:2-4)

Although no one knows the hour of Jesus Christ's coming, we sure can now see the signs here on earth.  We go by the signs!

Peter, here announced that in the last days scoffers and mockers will be present and today we sure see and hear an abundance of them.  So the evidence of the last days are obvious.  The Bible even quotes what the mockers will say, I paraphrase: "Things have been the same for a long time, when will he ever come?"  But be sure he will come and he will come when there is the least expectation of his coming here on earth.  God just wants to put those mockers out of the way so that his true followers are waiting for him.  So which one are you?

Never fear though you have an opportunity here to be redeemed by Jesus Christ himself from scoffer to believer in Him.  He has done it for you.  He has gone through the punishment so that you don't have to.  Think about it, eternity is a long time to miss.

Eternal life is a promise for the "everyone who"

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16)

Have a great day!


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