Christmas: an opportunity for joy (James 1:2)


Dear brothers and sisters, whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy. (James 1:2)

Composing, Monkey, Woman, Laugh, Sepia, Brown, Gorilla

Christmas and trouble have almost come together in one package every year.  It's almost like a cartoon character dropping off a bomb at my doorsteps and walking off to see it explode.  Who might that be, I wonder?

Christmas has obviously become an opportunity for joy for me.  This Christmas is no different as one of my family member is aging gravely.  I find it very painful to watch.

Presently though, I find great comfort in the thought that even during that first Christmas there were also troubles.  For example, no room in the inn and long travel on a donkey while being pregnant.  Those were all opportunities for joy.  The greatest event of joy had been the proclamation of the angel to Mary (figuratively, on the mountain top) but now during the actual pregnancy she had to go through the valley of humiliations and loneliness.

The beauty of the Christmas story ringing in the background is that in reality "God with us" was inside of her and was with her everywhere she went like the cloud in the wilderness had been with the Israelites.  Emmanuel!  God is faithful even in your troubles.  Remember the word he spoke to you way back when.  Don't forget it and fear not!



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