The Christmas Tree: A Wonderful Landmark (John 12:36)


While you have the Light, believe in the Light (John 12:36)

Boy, Sitting, Lantern, Outdoors, Asia, Vietnam, Dawn

This year, before you cut that Christmas tree and put the different coloured lights.  I want you to consider this, the message of hope and the landmark it makes in your living room.  For a few weeks, that tree that was alive is now dead and rises up into your living room.  Obviously, it is made more beautiful than ever with all these lights and decorations adorning it.  Here is rises in all its glory to offer its presence and be the centerpiece in your home.  It transforms your home and all its conversations are turned to it.

Christmas, Crystal Ball, Christmas Tree, Bulb

This wonderful landmark etched into every child's memory, young and old.  Such a wonderful reminder of another time in history of a tree of life growing from the beginning of time.  A tree of life that has always been there all along.  That tree of life threatened ones on the tree of Calvary and put  to death for a moment.  But now, risen in all his glory.  After all, this Christmas tree is a reminder of Jesus.  I guess, this world, every year, without realizing it  turns to the light of the world.  The evergreen on its own being the symbol of everlasting life.  The lights all around the tree proclaiming that a new born king has come.  Furthermore, the ornaments as a sign of our worship that is due to him born from a grateful heart.  The tree of life, Jesus who is the Son of God has come to live forever in your heart if you dare to even look at him and recognize his glory and appreciate what he has done for you.

Finally, you can relax from your works and welcome in your home (your heart).  With tears in your eyes, you can now confess your sins at the sight of this wonderful glorious sight.  Why wouldn't this humble you, combined with the message of the Christmas story and songs.  Altogether, let go of Santa and leave the materialism of Christmas and embrace the one expensive gift to you that really matters.  This gift of Jesus cost your Father everything for an eternal life spend with you.  Forget about all your points of view and theories.  In the presence of the tree all these views will vanish because of the overwhelming joy that comes at the sight of that Tree.


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