Freedom is Sweet (Romans 4:8-12)


Freedom is Sweet

No matter how you look at it, freedom of any kind is sweet.  In the headlines today, a ship is the Suez canal holding back some 300 ships has been freed.  Those ships were carrying supplies to the world.  It should have been a major concern to us, because it affected each one of us.  Freedom is so sweet.

Freedom unclogs you

What was one clogged up is now unplugged.  Do you feel it in your soul?  All your problems which are holding you back because of fear and anxiety.  God is the master at unclogging everything.  Ultimately, he sees everything and everyone being freed.  That's what hope is, seeing the best for everyone.  If you are struggling, he sees you as full of joy once and for all.  The chains have fallen and broke when Jesus was on the cross.

Connection by Faith

The only connection you need is, belief.  The freedom has already been supplied some 2000 years ago, but your belief is what is to the plumber that one pipe that will connect the two ends.  To the electrician, it is that one piece of cord that he needs to connect the two ends of a wire.  The belief that you have will complete the work of the cross in your life.  Otherwise, you will remain a broken individual.

'Complete' is Now

There are only two kind of people in the sight of God regardless of religions or races.

Those that belief and those that don't.  God will be separate at the end sheep and goats and wise and foolish  brides with or without oil in their lamps.  The only faith that will be rewarded will be faith alright, but it will be childlike faith or Abraham-like faith.

And Abraham is also the spiritual father of those who have been circumcised, but only if they have the same kind of faith Abraham had before he was circumcised.(Romans 4:12)

Abraham's faith was pure and he was counted righteous because his sins were no longer counted against him.

Yes, what joy for those whose sin is no longer counted against them by the Lord (Romans 4:8)

I notice that it says, "By the Lord".  No one should be taking account of your sin when God is no longer doing it.  Shame on them if they do.  They shouldn't be putting shame on anyone. Be free of all guilt and confess your sins.

From now on, we must speak, FREEDOM to people and not SHAME.

Remember, you are free only if you believe like Abraham did.  That's a big chunk of belief, but not impossible.  We must be like Jesus.  Be a 'little Christ'(Christian) in this world, laying hands on those who are sick and causing the lame to walk.  Providing FREEDOM to this world.  Unclogging them with the Gospel of Christ! Sin is shameful but we don't have to stay there.  There is forgiveness!


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