Insight on Wealth (Proverbs 28)

Leafing through Proverbs 

As we read through proverbs from king Solomon in the Bible. We discover that there is a wealth of wisdom from the wisest man (apart from Jesus) who ever lived on this planet.  Many of us, might question the wisdom behind the many wives he ended up having.

Attitude toward Wealth

Regardless, in this book, we notice a fair amount of advice about wealth and riches.  Particularly, chapter 28 drew my attention because apart from helping us detect a wicked ruler from the bunch.  It also speak of what a healthy attitude should be toward 'wealth' and how to approach it.

There are destructive pattern in that regard and positive ones.  We must respect wealth and not treat it as something it's due us.


Getting Rich Quick

Apparently, there are two verses in chapter 28 that refer to 'get rich quick'.  It is the desire in a person to get rich quick that brings them to ruin. Trusting God keeps us on target.  The greedy man or woman is the one in control.  In another translation 'greedy' is 'evil or envious eye' or 'selfish' or even 'stingy' as well as 'miser'.  Such person hastens to get rich.  That kind of person will get in trouble and poverty (verse 20 and 22)

The trustworthy will get a rich reward.  But the person who wants to get rich quick will only get into trouble.

A greedy person tries to get rich quick, but it only leads to poverty.

What Kind of Poverty

It does not look like people are paying too much attention since Adam.  History has been repeating itself non-stop.  This is not to blame the poor people. The poverty spoken of here might refer to poverty in general or spiritual.  For it is when we trust God that we flourish by the brooks. We also grow our roots deep down (Jeremiah 17:7-8).  So, we must devote our time and energy primarily in trusting God. Rather than worry about making ourselves a name in Babylon.

Focus Back on God

At last, we must change our focus back to God. Rejoice in his provision and hold loose to all our possessions, wealth and health. Because it all comes from the same Source.



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