Stay in the Light (Acts 15:22-32)

 This is a Raging Battle

The battle is on, raging.  The enemy is furious.  He is throwing everything he can at you, fiercely, like in a 'ball throwing game' with you as his target.  It's almost the end.  He has one more try before he is a barbecued Scorched to death!  Don't give in!

Not a Job, but a Ministry

Recently, I was really encouraged to keep ´looking up' by someone working in an office.  I know, those people in offices look to me like they are doing boring tasks with no purpose.  Not so, look boring maybe to an active person like me, but not, without purpose.

They have hidden tools in their shed.

This passage in Acts 15, just light up to me this morning in that regard.  I raise my hat to all out there with boring jobs that I would not do even if I was bored or paid for.

But God who is purposeful in every way has all of us in the right place and at the right time for all the right reason.

Although, your primary job might be what you are obviously doing right now to earn a living.  Lo and behold, God, whether you know him or not has a secondary purpose (really the primary one) in mind.  This one is the most important, to bring everyone in the knowledge of him.

The time is short for us too, not just for the devil.

We don't have much time left for bringing the flock to completion.  Jesus knows every sheep by name that are his.

Anyway, the passage I had like to draw your attention to is in Acts 15:22-32:

I will explain this passage to you.  Two men were to take a letter to the Gentile believers (This represent the seemingly insignificant job)

v.22 The men chose two of the church leaders--- Judas (also called Barsabbas) and Silas. v. 23 This is the letter they took along....

Jumping to v. 32 Then Judas and Silas (same men), both being prophets, spoke extensively to the Christians, encouraging and strengthening their faith....

Your job that you might be doing in the dark corners of an office for your immediate needs (financial)  might actually be used by God, unbeknown to you, to bring light in someone's life.  This is very important for you to realize because if you are living in the dark, no light will be discovered.  You might be a prophet or teacher or even a pastor in disguise working for God's secret service.

Encouraging words:

Stay in the Light so that your light might be truly light



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