For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus (Romans 3:23-24)

Bad News

Which one do you want first?  We would say to another, the good news or the bad news?

Well, in this case, I will all give you the bad news first and, that will put us all on the same level.  That is exactly what God did for us at Calvary where Jesus died for us.  We are all sinners and there is no one that is better than the other.  In Romans 3:23 it says that "We all have sinned"

There is absolutely not one ounce or gram of good in us.  Even if we tried to be good or do good it would not please God.  God is basically saying to us.  Your religion is worthless, you are all trying to be good in vain.  Your works and good deeds are worthless and will never amount to anything.  I mean feel free to do them, but as far as making you righteous in God's sight they are useless and will never get you to Heaven.  Jesus has already established and proclaimed himself as the only Way (John 14:6).  What is that highway that you are building on the side?  It really goes nowhere.  It's a mirage!

Good News

Next, I will tell you what the Good News is.  The Good News is the Gospel, the Word of God in Jesus Christ.  The Bible says in the book of Acts that "There is under heaven no other names that can save you. (Acts 4:12)  Isn't that cool?  It's a sure thing that Jesus is the only One who can claim to be able to save you and it keeps it very simple and convenient.  He is the Only One who was willing to die on the Cross for the world.  So he deserves the Glory (Revelation 5)

So again, the bad news is all are sinners, but the great news is that all, despite of all of them, being guilty can be redeemed.  Do you know what the word 'redeemed' means?  You see it every day in the store, redeem this and redeem that.  The thing that they don't tell you it's that doing this might cost you more money.  With Jesus though, he paid for it all.  He can redeem you right now and it's all free.

What is Redemption then?

I can't wait to tell you!  Okay, we have already settled that all are guilty, but out of all these guilty ones, a lot of them can be redeemed.  It just means that by dying on the Cross over 2000 years ago Jesus demonstrated and applied redemption to humanity, only for those who would agree with the terms set up by God.  The term stipulates that if anyone comes to God and accepts what Jesus did on the Cross they will be saved and forgiven from their sins.  He took your place and he made compensation for you so you can have a relationship with Jesus and with God himself.  God, from this moment on will be the one enacting the Covenant, this agreement through you.


All that is required is your obedience to His voice or His word.  Just receive Jesus in your heart today!


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