Borderline Suicide

 I wrote this a few days ago in the heat of the moment and edited some of it , but now the update is that my meds might end up being reviewed and I was taking my blood pressure meds at the wrong time of the evening. Sometimes you need to meet the right people to get better and that takes time.

Weeping may last for the night but joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5)

In the heat of the moment

Have you ever been at the end of your rope and gone crazy or close to it?

In my case, all my appointments with counselor and psychiatrist were too far to care. I thought nobody wanted to spend time with me for they were too busy at life. My life was going for the worse.

I washed dishes and was in tears.  I had a plan and was really depressed and thought that my life should end in the emergency room at the hospital.  There was nothing to look forward to especially now.  Again, my wife would work in a busy office for the next two months.

Ray of Sunshine

But lo and behold, a ray of sunshine came in and I became thankful for this one thing...

A friend of mine being willing to voluntarily spend his time with me as we go for walks together almost every day.

Advice to the Wise

Find out what your friends need and do exactly that what they need.  I need time with people and a good ear to chat with.  Suicidal thoughts are always in the back of my mind, but through thanksgiving I see a ray of sunshine.  God is good!

(March 17, 2021)

This morning I met with a Christian who reminded me not to give up because our hope is sure.

March 17, 2021)

I met with a person who also told me about ways to minimize those suicidal thoughts coming in. There's a light at the end of the tunnel.

Sometimes even Christians are overwhelmed by life and need encouragement to get back on track. There's no shame for anyone even Christians to seek help from anybody.

Reach out to someone today!


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