Purity of Heart (Titus 1:15-16)


Everything is pure to those whose hearts are pure.  But nothing is pure to those who are corrupt and unbelieving, because their minds and conscience are defiled.  Such people claim they know God, but they deny him by the way they live.  They are despicable and disobedient, worthless for doing anything good.(Titus 1:15-16)

1) The Problem with Sin

Inevitably, sin is a problem for the person who is never happy in the circumstances of life.  Always complaining and never quite there yet in contentment, not at all satisfied with God and fellow individuals.  Maybe you know some of those people.  They seem to continually envy others and wished that they be in their place of prestige.  The problem with this reasoning is that they only see part of that 'prestige' pie.  In reality though, some parts are invisible to them.  We can judge others easily by looking from the outside into their lives.  We, of all people, however don't see their hearts or all of their circumstances that they have to put up with.

2) Life is Pure from the Heart

Complaining is easy for me and every once in a while I still stumble across it.  I used to complain a lot more, but more and more I realize that complaining has to be eradicated from my life in order to live the pure life that Paul is talking about.  I think complaining drives out more people away from the Christians than any other sins.  Many who have heard your complains will never come to Christ because of them.  I just had the lenses of my glasses or spectacles changed from scratched ones to brand new ones that are spotless.  What a difference it makes! Everything is so pure.  Now imagine the effect of a pure heart on your life.  A heart where Jesus Christ is truly King.

3) Truly Knowing God

There is a big difference between claiming to know someone and actually knowing them.  Just because you know their address and their phone number and can go to their place anytime to ask them for milk or bread, doesn't  mean you know them.

You need to know a bit better in order to be satisfied and content with them.  This, however, doesn't apply to your neighbor's partner.


In order, to be content in your circumstances and with other people you need to know God better.  The closer you will get to him the more content you will become.  You will then stop leading a despicable life and put away sin forever.  Isn't living a pure and perfect life the fundamental desire of everyone?  Maybe not, but to be content is!

Why do criminals do what they do?  Something is lacking in their lives, they, also want to find contentment.



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