YOU Brighten up your day (2 Timothy 1:16-18)


If you know the Truth and you don't practice it, I am sorry to say but you are a fool.  I don't say it the Bible say that.

The Apostle Paul in chapter 1 of 2Timothy became aware that he had been deserted by many Christians.  Notice, there is no bitterness here.  In verse 16-18 he focuses on the Christians that offer support namely Onesipherus and his family.  This one was the only one that offer him support right there.  Sometimes, people will seemingly desert you, but don't be offended by them.  Leave them in God's hand.

There was at the time a teenager who grew more and more depressed as he saw the world around him become more and more ugly.  How he began to hate the world around him and how he hated the very being that he had become.  Naturally, he even hated the parents that had brought him in the world and had made a mess of his life.  Those were the filthy fifties when everybody looked on the outside for a change.

The Sun had not shone in as of yet and he endured the self torture until one day someone invited him to look on the inside with his Saviour Jesus and do a renovation work.  The ugliness of the mud inside of him was taken out.  Wisdom and Love took their place inside his heart and he has never been as ugly as he was before.  O yes sometimes some of it comes back but it is God's faithfulness that keeps him afloat.  Some of it may still be in your heart but every time the Sun shines in your direction, is it as precious as a diamond warming you up?  Like that young man, you have now a diamond, a precious jewel shining inside of you.  No longer let the mud come in but, let the diamond of God's Love shine and let's see if the world around you will also change for the better.  No, sunshine should not be a mundane event and so shouldn't the Love and Wisdom placed in you.

The world around you is beautiful when you are beautiful on the inside and when Jesus reigns.  Please don't ever kick him around like a dirty rag because at that time the dirty rag will be in you.  Jesus is pure and when he sees you on his Throne with him he also finds no fault with you.  Put him on the throne of your heart  today.

The people around you are all beautiful when you are.  Trust me because I am the teenager in this story.  I grew up as an adult and found the Book of Proverbs among the other lilies.  It is right there in the middle of the Garden and many are afraid to find it.  But, I go there often because I don't want to be the man I once was. I need him every day  That Book of Proverbs tells me that inside of me is a pearl of infinite beauty, Wisdom and Love. It is self respect.  It is in you if you have Jesus.  Why don't you go find out what he says?  He is listening!


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