Coping with the World

 Am I a Victim?

Should I be treated or feel any different because I have a disability of any kind?  In my case, it is mental illness. The answer is a ‘no’ and ‘yes’.  In terms of extra support, people might need some financial assistance if there is.  As far as being considered different because of disabilities, not at all.  Even self pity has its limits.

 Anyway, we must find a way to manoeuvre through this world or it will swallow us.  The world does not really care about you, each wants a paycheck at the end of the month.  That is the sad reality. It took me a while to figure it out, but now I know.  Only a few make the exception!


The Victor

 We have many choices to make in our life and the result of the sum of those choices will either make us a victim or a victor.  No one wants to be a loser and everyone wants to be a winner.  The majority of people are unfortunately showing signs of deterioration.  The world, as a whole is on the losing end just because of poor choices of self destruction.  I am not saying that I understand it all.  I am changing the way I think by changing the input of information to my mind.  In turn, my mind changes my attitudes and feeling about different situation.  I am finally feeling a lot better about myself.


The World Need

 You don’t want me to tell you what you need, right?  You are an adult or almost one.

Do you need more intellect or mental uplifting in this world?  Do you need more religions in the world?  How many gods are in India alone? Do we need any more gold or money to satisfy?  I don’t think so.  Money can’t buy happiness; it allows us to depend on it.

To keep our life simpler.  Let us believe in one God who is alive.  We don’t need religion!  We just need to be obedient and faithful to this God who is Jesus Christ. Accept him in your heart and believe he exists and that he can be trusted.  Life is great when Jesus loves you and you know it.  This is what the world needs, it needs you to give it the HOPE of the Cross.  Live it to the FULL.


Focusing our eyes on Jesus (Hebrews 12:2)


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