Asking for Wisdom during Dark Times (James 1:5-7)


5. If you need wisdom--if you want to know what God wants you to do--ask him, and he will gladly  tell youHe will not resent your asking.  6. But when you ask him, be sure that you really expect him to answer, for a doubtful mind is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind.  7. People like that should not expect to receive anything from the Lord.  They can't make up their minds.  They waver back and forth in everything they do. (James 1:5-7)

Do you believe that wisdom is important?  I find that wisdom is like faith, I can't live without them.  Yesterday, I desperately needed wisdom to prepare that blog on faith.  When you ask, you have to expect an answer and it might not be according to your earthly wisdom.  It will be according to his wisdom.  We are so much into the letter of the law that we miss the Spirit of the law sometimes.  We might argue with God that faith is not like a plant because his word does not say that.  The Spirit of the law will show you that in fact faith is like the mustard seed and the word of God gives it life.  You need to feed your faith carefully and I agree use it for his glory.

So I did ask wisdom and this is what I learned out of it.  I didn't have to repeat it God heard me.  When you repeat, you doubt.  He will not resent your asking.  That means he will welcome it and granted willingly.  A earthly father might resent to give, but not God.  If you think he resents, you will easily doubt.  If you doubt, you are like a wave, not a rock.  You waver wherever your doubts carry you and God can't work with you.  You are absolutely useless.  Yes, be angry! You wouldn't be able to work with someone who doubt you all the time either.  God can't work with you so much...that he won't be able to grant you anything.  Although, he really wants to do it for you.

Furthermore, be very careful in your personal prayer life as how you pray and form your words.  God is listening and he sees your heart.  Is there any doubt?  He will know for sure.  Be to the point and no added know like beautifying your prayers.  He is not impressed.  Just keep your prayers simple and to the point.

Wave, Sea, Beach, Sand, Blue, Carboneras, Almeria, Sky


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