Be a Forward Thinker


Be a Forward Thinker


Not rear-view minded


I used to be one of those rear-view mirrors minded person who focuses constantly on what is behind them.  Worrying, anxiety, ect… Those drivers on the road not only drive slower, but they also don’t drive straight and could cause an accident.  It’s the same in life, nothing wrong about being slow except that you lose focus on your goals and could cause an accident as people hazardously have to pass you.  In short, if you want to keep the momentum going stick to the speed limit, even in your life.  I used to live like that and lived a life that was not balanced psychologically as well as other areas in my life.  It was chaos.


Be hopeful


The change in me happened when I realized I needed to change or somehow stop living.  I was desperate even as a Christian and needed to change in order to live better.  Foremost, to all that, my thinking had to changed and for that thankfully I had and still has the Bible and the Lord Jesus Christ as my faithful Friend.  The living book opened up to me and understood for the first time in my life how hope played such an important role in my life and also in people around me.  I wanted to share it through my writing.  It is a good start to “forward” thinking.


Jesus was a forward thinker


Jesus never regretted anything or worried about his plans of dying on the Cross for us.  He never saw himself as a failure.  He knew that he was doing the right thing and even told his plans of death and resurrection a few times to his disciples.  He never looked back in the rear-view mirror.  He never dwelled on the past except as prophecies being fulfilled about him.  He had a joy filled past and so impossibilities were far from his thinking.  Why don’t you practice it for yourself?  Be a forward thinker and certainly not a froward thinker, those are difficult to deal with and are in no way obedient to God.  God is looking for people who please him with their lives.  Let your life be a sacrifice of praise to him and not a dilapidated one.


Looking unto Jesus…who  for the joy that was set before him endured the Cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Hebrews 12:2)


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