It is Free


It is Free!

What more do you need or want?

 Life can be free for you if you choose to be free.  Right now, you are a slave to sin, you are paying dearly for the life you have and the wage in the Bible is called DEATH.

“For the wages of sin is DEATH, but the GIFT of God is ETERNAL life through Christ Jesus our Lord.  (Romans 6:23).  Within the Eternal life is included the abundant life that Jesus is.  You and I don’t need anything else.  He will supply all our needs because he is the Good Shepherd.  The only reason we find ourselves lacking is when we quit believing or having faith in him.  When we quit trusting him.  When we quit putting him FIRST.  A Christian should never find himself or herself lacking and I don’t mean prosperity gospel.  When you put your faith in God first before your want.  You will not be lacking anymore and always content of what you have in your pantry.  There will always be enough to make another meal.  God will make you flexible with little.  That is the only way that he can keep pride at bay and humility and dependence in sight.  We, each must trust God with ALL our heart (100%)


Free to all but not Free for all.

 Let me explain.  It is free to all who choose it but it’s not free for all without love.  It is not even free for all to sin in return but to live without sin instead.  Does that come with some sacrifice?  You are better believing it…but no without great reward.  God is not mocked for whatever a man sow he shall also reap (Galatians 6:7).  Although the rewards are spiritual, they will be very enjoyable. I will not say ‘no’.

We each have a choice to make each day.  Do we live freely or do we live free.  Meaning do we do what we want and be slave to sin or are we living holy lives.


My point is….


Live a life that is rewarding not a life that kills you.

So far, all that I know by experience and observations of other peoples is that living a life of any sin will finish you and kill you eventually.  I thank God from the bottom of my heart for giving me a life worth living.  For not allowing me to go on the wrong path and helping me choose life.

He is merciful and fair in his own eyes.  He might not be fair in my eyes but humanly speaking I am blind spiritually unless he opens my eyes to it.


Let the thirsty ones come-anyone who wants to.  Let them come and drink the water of life without charge. (Revelation 22:17)


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