Mind over Matter


Mind over Matter


Thoughts Transformation


It probably would not surprise if I said to you that the central figure of Christianity is Christ.  Yet too often he is shoved off his throne and replaced by most of us by self.  It unfortunately shows up in our teachings of self-help nature has failed to provide the answer to our needs.


We need more than mind self control and transformation.  We need somebody to be ever-present by our side, even better, someone within.  Meet Jesus! He is our human/God answer to all our needs. He is also our Lawyer if we want him to be.  He could stand between us and God and make the way to God a lot smoother.  So, you need more than new thoughts.  You need a whole new relationship with your Maker.


Living Word


Jesus is the Living Word.  You can have him right in you.  He is powerful enough to change you into a new being.  The Bible is not an ordinary book, it is more than paper and ink.  It is full of life because the Holy Spirit has inspired the men who wrote it.  This is why this Book is able to transform you from glory to glory.


Humanly Speaking


Humanly speaking…a human being as I cannot remain stagnant very long.  I must change and be curious about life.  What about you?  Are you happy with the way you are?  Do you want to stay like this?  Would you also be happy if you never improved your life?  Judging by the accumulation of books in library, hunger for knowledge never ceases.  There is always room for improvement in any field.  Men is always on the look out for changes.  What about your life’s improvement?  Would the company of someone like Jesus change your outlook on life.  He is Almighty God as your Master-designer.  You cannot lose anymore.  It is a win-win situation.


Does God need you?  No, but he wants to transform you into a being of love to the world.  Let go of the past and live constantly in the Present with Him, Jesus…The greatest person that ever lived and is alive today to come back again.


He (Jesus) will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David; ( Luke 1:32) Spoken at Jesus’s birth


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