Jesus loves me

I rose out of my struggle and started singing this song that you all might know:
Jesus loves me,
This I know,
For the Bible tells me so
Little ones to him belong,
They are weak but he is strong.
If you are a songwriter or music teacher, I apologize for the way it is written.
I realized then as I was singing it repeatedly that this song is full of theology and inspiration.
In ‘Jesus loves me’ alone.  There is a Bible verse that pops to mind. 
John 3:16 that says: “For God so loved the world that he gave his Only beloved Son                          that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

It is obvious then that the rest of the Bible shows us that Jesus loves us.
This little song took me out of my despair and brought me back to reality which is to know that God loves me, and life is a lot easier with him than without him.
I don’t know what you struggle with, but I want to let you know ‘Jesus loves you’.
Next it also says that ‘little ones to him belong’.  It means that the door to enter is not just narrow, but also small.  You might have to bend a little and give up a few things especially your pride.  ‘Little ones to him belong’ I would add or such as these.
‘They are weak, but he is strong’ denotes the reality of our state as human beings.  We like to pretend to be strong.  We are only fluff and more precisely dust.  We are like weeds that only grow for an instant and then are gone. Him on the other hand is the opposite.  He is Almighty God able to rescue us from anything.
Have a great weekend!  Happy Father’s Day.



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