Rich and Foolish (Luke 12:16-21)


Rich and Foolish (Luke 12:16-21)

If you are at all responsive to the teaching of the Bible and Jesus, you will notice that the Bible often  teaches about finances. Well, why is that? It is because like bread we use it every day.
Prior to this parable (a parable is a story to teach a biblical truth), a man wanted Jesus to interfere with his family’s affairs of inheritance. So, Jesus responded by telling him he was not the one to judge. He freed this man with the truth  by giving him this story (John 8:32).
The Parable
The story goes like that, a rich man has a large field with barns where he can gather his crops and one productive year, he decides to build new barns and accumulate his wealth all to himself.
God intervenes and put an end
 to his life and tell him that his wealth will go to someone else. God decide his fate, not money.
The moral of the story is: Do not accumulate riches for yourself only but learn to share it with the poor and use it wisely for God’s glory and kingdom.  If you do not, God will deal with you and your wealth.  He owns it all.  Everything you have belongs to God.
Many people cannot tithe correctly or at all because they do not understand it and then they wonder why they are overcome with troubles and poor in the things of God.  Our faith cannot be challenged if we cannot give the tenth of our income and worry constantly about the future.  Your priorities will never be right if you do not put God first before money.

By tithing (or what people refer to, as giving to the church). You are giving to God when you can think that way.  It is as a result of relationship with him, not a duty.


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