Exciting Growth (Proverbs 19:16)


Exciting Growth

The hope of exciting growth always comes after strong hardship, does it not?

Here in the part of Canada where I live, we have the harshest of winter (-40’C) which is like the hardship to the ground and us.  Then comes Spring in all its beauty and elegance.  A short Spring but nice and then now we are in the Summer which is a moment of growth for the fruits and plants and vegetables.  Notice that before the period of growth and renewal we have the hardship of Winter.  It is the same in life.  Our lives are made up of seasons and years and months.  We have weeks and days and hours.  Everything is broken up in stages and it is up to us to make these seasons valuable.  Those breaks count.  Make your life count but break it up in stages.  Plan accordingly and carefully.  This is the advice of a 66-year-old senior who has experienced it.  I am not all wisdom, but I have some wisdom. You cannot live your life twice but make it count the first time.  Save money for the future but don’t overdo it.  Be moderate in all things.

To come back to the subject of growth.  Don’t find out too late that it is time to grow.  Grow your self, spiritually and mentally, morally.  Start early in life, don’t procrastinate. In every area of your life, grow.  Grow your money start early to grow in everything.  Grow a family, but don’t be obstinate about it.  If you want to stay single stay single. Plants grow first underground and then they explode to the surface.  A soup simmers on the stove and then explode with flavours.  Be patient!  Things are not always what they appear to be at first.  You have a business, be kind to your employees and customers.  Go the extra mile for your boss as well.  You want to see growth?  You will see it if you develop the ground first and be gentle.  If you rip someone up it will return to you the same as if you are kind to that person.  Follow the rules.  They are your treasure for life.

Keep the Commandments and keep your life; despising them leads to death. (Proverbs 19:16)


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