What is the Most Important Thing? (Philippians 3:5-11)


What is Most Important Thing?

Here, is the Apostle Paul who did not consider anything about himself as important.  According to Philippians 3:5-11, he does not even consider his past accomplishments or religion as important.  All his moral qualities and advantages, even past failures as he had persecuted the Church.  Everything about him he considers lost for the cause of knowing Christ.

“Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord” (v.8)

If you read about him in the Book of Acts 9 and through his letters, he will tell you that he was a know-it-all kind of person.  Very proud of who he was and what he did.  It took a vision of Christ on the road to Damascus to convert him to Christ.  He had previously been a Pharisee of Pharisees and knew the Law of Moses inside and out.  What could have changed him so drastically, but Christ.  For delivering him from that bondage to the Law and all its religious regulations like there are today in any religion, how could he show his gratefulness except by living the best life by putting his faith in him and knowing him.

I know, there is so much to know in this world and yet at the end of the Gospel of John it says that everything that was accomplished by Christ could not be written because there was so much that the world could not contain it (John 21:25)

This is just about his miracles and deeds, just imagine how much more there is to know in Christ.

Let us all focus on him and know him and make that, the most important thing in our life.  Do you know him as your personal Saviour and Lord?  If yes, then get to know him intimately.  How do you do that? By reading his Word the Bible and spending time with him in prayer.  By seeking him with all your heart according to (Jeremiah 29:11-14)

It is an adventure of the unknown.  Let it start now and be excited!


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