


As iron sharpens iron

so one person sharpens another

(Proverbs 27:17)

Over the years in my relationships with people and more specifically in my marriage, I have learned that God’s design for relationships was to make us better people.  This does not have to be interpreted in a certain way or another.  It means simply means that at the start of any good relationship, individuals start as being dull in the matter of life and as time goes by, each are matured and sharpened in qualities that were weak to start with.

The constant friction that should always encourage communication with time is enough to make us better tools for God’s service. Daily communication is meaningful.

Sharpening of tools is necessary for growth.  Creativity is constantly needed in communication, and it takes two to grow from strength to strength.

In the matter of marriage for example there should be a constant molecular movement of communication of feelings and words and especially with deep love.

The Body of Christ is a living organism and so should marriage be.  Dead cells die.

Its not up to the wife to promote love in the marriage but both are to do so.

Sharpening happens especially in listening as we all strive to become better listener.  Okay, I admit it women are for the most part better listeners than men.  Us men have some difficulties concentrating on their words. I guess we are still trying to figure out what they told right after they left the conversation.

Getting older together…in the matter of listening all in all the man and woman grow in patience and that is all the better.

Ironically, in the epistle to the Ephesians, chapter 5 starts with love and goes into an admonition for love in marriage.

In other words, the recipe for any relationship is LOVE and nothing but LOVE.  One ingredient that includes everything.


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