Back to Healing (Psalm 30:5)


Back to Healing

This blog has become more personal than I intended it to be but, maybe God ordered it to be that way for your sake.  I wonder how much of what we put out to people as a façade is to hide the hurt in us.  Do we sometimes use a “spiritual façade” of some sort?

What about you? What is your face saying?

This morning I felt depressed, deeply depressed to the point of staying in bed all day, but I didn’t.  I could never do that.  I am an 8 O’clock riser, not an 11 am riser. The day started very purposelessly which I hate.  Part of the day was spent in the basement of what used to be my parents.  My wife and I looked through it and found “old treasures” of the past.  I finally had to eat something and made it to the kitchen.  My wife came up with an old poem made into a card I had drawn as an adult for her birthday and another poem I had given her on Mother’s Day.  She had kept them.  I noticed that one written in French had a spelling error.  Knowing that my mom was good at French, she had refrained from correcting it.  She must have just been happy to receive them.  It means to me so much that she had kept them all these years.  This after all was not a productive day, but it was instead a “healing” day.  I would have done something else today, but who knows maybe depression is a messenger of healing to our past.  Do you and I need healing from our past?  Maybe it must be faced rather than run from at this time.  I took a course on grieving at one time.  It was one of the best decisions I made.  Did you know that if you flee from grieving in your life, it will catch up to you through illnesses and affect your body in adverse ways?  Think of it for a while…Is it not worthwhile to face the grieving for a little while at night and rejoice in the morning and be done with it?

         "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning" (Psalm 30:5)


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