Grace is Free (Ephesians 2:8)


Grace is Free…

…To anyone who comes to Jesus and accepts him by faith. “For by Grace you have been saved through faith…it is a gift from God.” (Ephesians 2:8)

But to live by faith will cost you everything if you walk by it.  But then, you will have joy because at last, you will have freedom.

To Abraham, faith costs him his son although in Genesis 22:10-11 he got him back through the intervention of the angel.

Then Abraham reached out his hand and took the knife to slaughter his son.

But the angel of the Lord called to him from heaven and said: “Abraham, Abraham!’ And he said, “Here I am.”


Read also: (Hebrews 11:17)


It costs God his Son Jesus but through the Resurrection, his Son was made alive again.

Mark 16:5 “You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified.  He has risen!”

There is a principle here…

Abraham got his son Isaac back with a new life…

God got his Son back through his Resurrection…

And as you become a born-again Christian you have new life flowing from you.


It did cost us our old life which is small in comparison to what Jesus paid for us through his death on the Cross.  As we become Christians, we receive a life to be lived by faith through him.  Out of that life flows rivers of living waters as God promises and life-changing miracles can take place in our hearts.  Don’t you want that kind of life where it is impacting others with something worthwhile like the Gospel of Jesus?  Come on pick yourself off the ground and dust yourself.  Allow God to clean and use you and rise with the help of God.


I am excited as you also should be that God thought since the beginning of time to use us and picked us up in our state of sin in Adam and purposefully worked it into his plan to call us to himself in Jesus Christ.  In other words, our righteousness was like a filthy rag, but we were used by him as he made us into a new creation.  That is a mind-blowing discovery.  The revelation of a mystery in Christ unveiled at the Cross for us.


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