Words of Comfort


Words of Comfort

As the past days have come and gone, now I receive words of comfort from the Bible of course. 


“This makes Jesus the guarantor of a better covenant.

The former priests were many in number, because they were

prevented by death from continuing office,

but he holds his priesthood permanently because he continues forever.

Consequently, he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near

to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them.”

(Hebrews 7:22-25)

These verses particularly brought comfort to me because as I was reading from the French Bible I was greatly encouraged by the word ‘Toujours’ which means ‘always’.  I underlined in the text the words in English which mean ‘always.


Aren’t you glad that Jesus’s priesthood is one that lasts forever and endures through everything?  To make it easier to understand, I not only like certain products for their brands but especially for any long-lasting guarantee.  That is what I like about this covenant or agreement, it is guaranteed forever because of who Jesus is and what he stands for.  His very name: is Alpha and Omega which means that he lasts forever.


This is even more meaningful to me because it shows me that God didn’t just make a permanent agreement with me but that he also backs it up by his very name(s).


We also see that he is always in service, and he also always saves which could be ‘today’ as well as ‘always’.  He is readily available to us and for our needs.  To those who draw near, he always lives to constantly pray for them.  Just to think that in God’s eyes, intercession is an exalted ministry in Jesus’s priesthood.  God’s heart is thus always directed toward us and Jesus has us always on his heart and mind like the high priests of old who had the names of Israel’s tribes engraved on his breastplate as a reminder.


May we be humbled as I am humbled to think that God spread so much concern for me like a spread on a banquet table and he is never tired of loving me as much as sometimes I am tired of for loving myself

If you feel like putting a comment for me please don’t hesitate.  I would always appreciate it.


Thank you for being with me on this grieving journey.


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