Creating a Need in You (Psalm 40:11)

                                                  Creating a Need in You

God is Spirit and he is also the God of the Impossible.  Whatever is impossible to mankind is possible to God.  We, therefore, need something extra to be able to understand him.  So, he gave us faith, which is the ability to walk without seeing, just believing.  Each being has that ability.

From this, we must approach God with this perspective, the perspective of faith.  It is impossible to understand this with our mind.

The life we have is a gift from him and every situation and trouble we face is a call from him to come a little closer to him or to draw our attention away from ourselves unto him.  At the same time since he is so imposing, he is very approachable and does accept us as we are.

Do not withhold your compassion and tender mercy from me, O Lord;

Your lovingkindness and your truth will continually preserve me.

(Psalm 40:11) (Amplified)


But again, in the French (courant) if I translate it word for word, it says for that verse:

“You, Lord, you will not close your heart to me;

And your faithful goodness will be my constant safety.

(Psaume 40:11 (Francais courant transliteration)


Next time that you approach the God of the impossible with your needs, just know that he put it there for a reason and that most likely he wants to be known by you and he wants to know you very closely.

He will never close his heart on anyone who approaches him sincerely.  He wants to be your friend forever.  He loves you more than your closest friend on earth and he knows you better than you know yourself.  In Psalm 139, it says that even before a word gets on your tongue, he knows it already. He wants to know everything about you, but he knows it already.  He has you always on his mind.  He does that with 8 billion other people every day even those that have no regard for him.  Why you say?  John 3:16 says “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son (Jesus Christ) that whosoever believe in him should not perish but have eternal life.

Something else that is impossible to mankind is to forgive you but God is willing when anyone comes to him and is sorry to forgive. He did in action by dying on the cross and he does it in words   He longs for you!



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