Does Jesus Care even for you?


Does Jesus Care even for you?

That is a good question. 

Does Jesus care even for you?  Let us face it, in a world with a population of over 8 Billion people where is his mind? It may not even be believable, but his mind is on you.  He cares for you.  In Matthew 9:36-38,

“When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them,

Because they were harassed and helpless, like

Sheep without a shepherd.

Then he said to his disciples,

“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few

Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out

Workers into his harvest field.”


I wonder how many over the years have interpreted these verses as a plea for the Lord to send “missionaries” into the world rather than a look into the heart of Jesus for the needs of the world, your need for mental comfort.  He saw the crowds as a discouraged people in need of a Shepherd.  He told his disciples to pray for workers to meet the needs of the discouraged world and if you think the world is not discouraged, please re-consider.  The world needs comfort and reassurance from those workers that this Shepherd is with them.  This Shepherd is Jesus Christ and he cared for everyone in that crowd, and he is the same today as he was then.  He cares even for you no matter how insignificant you believe you are.  He sees your discouragement above all.

From the over 8 Billion people in the world, he called maybe you to pray for the workers to be send and some of you to receive care for you soul.  Receive his Love coming from whoever in your world.  It is there for your encouragement, and it is easy to shy away from it or even run from it

Does Jesus care even for you?  The answer is an emphatic “yes”.  Just reach out for him as he is looking at the crowd or the world.


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