Joy Unspeakable

 “But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is

love [unselfish concern for others],

 joy [inner] peace “

(Galatians 5:22 Amplified)


Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not,

Yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory

(1 Peter 1:8  KJV)


Because of my past with depression…Joy has evaded me many times.  Yet Joy is not even of this world, it belongs to Jesus.  Joy is not the feeling you experience at a party, but it is quieter than this. I believe joy is received when you live in the presence of God.  You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence.”(Psalm 16:11 NLT)  It is not necessarily something we have and hold in greed but something that comes from within and flows unto others.  We give it away.  I thought that the description of love prior joy was an ‘unselfish’ clue.  In this world that is geared to the love of self, joy must stand out in a pleasant contrast.   Moreover, joy can endure through trials and keeps pushing through.


 Surely, the joy of the Lord is my Strength (Psalm 28:7)

 In the context of that verse it speaks of ‘my heart trusts in him’. 


Again, the fruit of the Spirit is produced by an abiding trust in the Lord.  It looks like God expressly made it that way to be unique to the Christian faith.  That is why every Christian should be encouraged to abide in Christ which is contrary to what the world teaches.  How can we keep living our lives like joy is produced by the world?  What do we hunger and thirst for?  This will show where our appetite comes from.  Are we entangled by worldly pleasures?  Joy does not come from there, I am afraid.  Life is in the Blood of Christ and in his presence in our lives.




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