Wisdom saves you from evil

            He grants a treasure of common sense to the honest.

He is a shield to those who walk with integrity.

He guards the paths of the just.

And protects those who are faithful to Him.

(Proverbs 2:7-8)

I hear it a lot these days.  People giving way too much credit to ‘luck’.  Verses like these ones remind me that there are no such things as luck.  Soon or later if you are not protected by the Lord evil might come knocking on your door.  I don’t wish it to anyone.  It seems to be clear to me though that unless you show some integrity in your life, and you are following the righteous paths you will be protected.  You cannot bet on ‘luck’ to protect you because she might not be around for long or around when you really need her.  As for the Lord God he will be faithful if you show yourself faithful.  He will be your Reward.


Often Christians look like the losers but wait and see.  There is an invisible hand at work for any obedient Christian who follows the Lord.  He is never too far from us when we call. I am not saying that the Christian will trouble free.  What I am saying is that through his troubles he will protected by the Lord.


Therefore, let all believers stand tall and lift your eyes.  Luck does not exist.  I see the Lord at work in my life more and more wanting me to trust him and follow him.  His nearness is so real I can almost touch him.  Is he close to you as well?  If it does not feel like he is near to you I pray that you will know him.


Before those verses it says that:

For the Lord grants wisdom!

From his mouth come knowledge and understanding.

(Proverbs 2:6)


You don’t have to struggle anymore and wonder when your ‘luck’ will run out.  Stand still in the arms of the Lord and let him guide you through life and protect you in the process.







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