This Hope is Like an Anchor (Hebrews 6:19-20)

It must be that as a Christian my hope was not yet solid.  I suffered depression and suicidal thoughts.  It was like a downward spiral pulling me under like the time I almost drowned in the Italian waters of a lake when I was 10 years of age.  During my depression, I realized hope was not my anchor like it says in Hebrews 6:19-20

This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls.  It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary.  Jesus has already gone in there for us.  He has become our eternal High Priest in the order of Melchizedek.

Purpose of this post

It is to show you how wonderful the Bible is, and its words are so accurate in meaning.  Hope is alive.  Our hope is alive and wonderful, it is precisely an anchor and not just a wishful thinking that per chance it is going to take place.  Our hope is solid like an anchor, and it is unmoveable.  Believe me you need it amid the storm of despair tossed back and forth by suicidal thoughts and whatever the enemy decide to throw in the mix.  When I had tasted death so close to me hope was sweet, and friends were priceless.  You have no idea unless you had been in my shoes what I went through.

Overcome with hope.

This past Sunday our church has a monthly theme; the March theme is ‘Overcome’.  The Christian life is almost synonymous to overcoming and to overcome you need hope which the pastor mentioned during the sermon.  Every time I hear about hope it’s like a balm upon my burns.  It has a healing effect.  Hope should be so much more precious to all of us, and we should dig into the scripture to get better acquainted with it in Jesus.  When we talk about Jesus, and we say that without him we are nothing.  What do we mean?  To me it means:  I was dead, and he rescued me, without him I cannot live.  He is my lifeline.

God’s Presence is where hope is.

For us, Jesus has gone in the room where God’s Presence is that we may be able to access it without fear and with boldness and that is where our hope is.  Those words are more than just words written on paper to look pretty.  These words have life in them and through them God can change you.  You can’t change yourself, quit trying it does not work.  You need an anchor to the other side where God is.  Jesus made the way there for you.  You can rest in this as you can also rest in ‘trust.’



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