Keeping in Step with the Spirit

I have read twice through the letter to the Galatian church, I realized that the whole book is linked to the fruit of the Spirit.  The ‘should’ and the ‘should not’ of the Law are erased by the belief we have in Jesus Christ.

The fruit of the Spirit is produced by the faith we live by and have in Christ.  The evidence of the fruit of the Spirit is the fact we don’t do the works of the Law, but we obey by faith Jesus who lives in us.

Consequently, life is simplest, and we no longer boast in our own works but in the works of Christ who died on the Cross for us.  We are only free if we believe the finished work of Christ.

We have no obligation to the Law and are free to believe in the God of Love who dared to serve us and wash our feet.

Our inheritance is guaranteed because of the promise made to Abraham.  We end up with the same blessings given to Abraham.  Certainly, we are not deserving of any of it, but we have them because of the promise that cannot be broken.  We serve a great God who for the sake of his own name would not even consider breaking his promise.  We have such a great assurance of hope and freedom in Christ.  The anchor of our faith is set in a firm foundation which is Christ Himself and therefore we are grateful and rejoice greatly.

Out of this foundation which are the roots of the tree of life grows the fruit of the Spirit to be displayed full of glory and proclaiming the Good News through our lives.  It is no longer necessary to be overworked by the Devil as he attempts to push us to produce the Law because we have died to the Law and are crucified with Christ.  Obedience to the Spirit is kept simple without any show-offs and fanfares.  We must be drawn to the simple life which holds us together with Christ and with one another and keeps us in the world but not of it.

“Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 

Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.

Let us not become conceited, provoking, and envying each other”

(Galatians: 5:24-26 NIV)


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