Self Control (Don't let it scare you)

“But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is

love [unselfish concern for others],

 joy [inner] peace,

patience [not the ability to wait, but how we act while waiting],






  Against such things there is no law.”

(Galatians 5:22-23)


The Danger of being without it

We see the danger that this world has encountered while having no self control.  Please understand that self control is not just related to how much you take on your plate at dinner time.  Self control may even make you cringe as you consider the self discipline you will have to endure. 


It is not necessarily like that; it is first also produced by God’s Spirit in your life and so it can be taught to you by that same Spirit.  It could be as simple as holding your tongue from speaking certain words.  Having your whole body voluntarily controlled by the Holy Spirit.  It comes from a daily choice you make about your priorities and your goals.  Even setting a long range vision ahead of you. 

You can see that self control does not have to fill you with a dread of accomplishing anything and limit your progress. 

Temptation is real

Although self control might still be the most important of all the fruit of the Spirit it is once again seen in all of them as one holding back anyone from acting in folly.  We are so easily tempted, and we need self control to guide us in the best possible decisions.  Temptation is not just with food, but it can be with money, relationships. Being given to violence and anger and hatred require self control.  Can you imagine what the world would ever be without self control?  One day is coming before Jesus Christ come back that the one holding the world in order will be taken away with God’s true Church.  The Holy Spirit right now is the one keeping some kind of order in this world but one day will be gone.  Before that happens, some people need to make decision to not be present at that time.  The only way to do that is to decide to follow Jesus and make him your Lord.  Without the Holy Spirit this world will be in chaos, and everyone will be in agony.

The last words in this passage after self control is that against these there is no law.  I used to think that it meant the law of the Old Testament but now I think it could mean even any laws on earth.  Can you imagine how quiet the police station would be in your neighbourhood if everyone had self control.  There are no laws against it.



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