Fruit of the Spirit: Gentleness

 “But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is

love [unselfish concern for others],

 joy [inner] peace,

patience [not the ability to wait, but how we act while waiting],






  Against such things there is no law.”

(Galatians 5:22-23)



1)      It is Powerful

Instead of being feared as being too weak, it must be praised as one of the most Christlike qualities.  Jesus was noticed as a meek and humble leader as was Moses.  So why in the Church today as we are looking for the opposite in leaders.  In the Church we must have gentle parents who discipline their children in that kind of spirit.  No abusive action should be seen in our homes.  The Spirit of Christ must be present everywhere.  Christ was not a charismatic leader like we see in our midst.  He was gentle and firm.  (Matthew 11:29)


2)     It must be Evident to All

Let your reasonableness (or gentleness) be known to everyone.  The Lord is at hand. (Philippians 4:5) (ESV)

We seem to find a few people in this world who are not reasonable, maybe gentleness should be sought more aggressively so that we can make a difference by showing this attribute of Jesus.

The fact that it must be evident to all means that through our lives it ought to be more obvious as a positive quality and not something we are shamed by and called a ‘weakness’.  It might be a weakness to the devil because he is a liar but to me it is a strength.


3)     It must be more Valued

It is valued in all the wrong place.  It must be often praised in people and even sought after by the Christian community.  I know it is not a high-selling point for Christian to be acknowledge as being gentle.  It sure makes a difference in a rough world around us.  There are many opportunities to show gentleness through our lives with our employer, co-workers, in the home relationships and society in general even in our driving habits.  Let this sink into us as a very important step in loving people everywhere including ourselve.


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