A Friendship Like No Other (1 Samuel 23:15-18)

‘One day near Horesh, David received the news that Saul was on the way to Ziph to search for him and kill him.  Jonathan went to find David and encouraged him to stay strong in his faith in God.  “Don’t be afraid,” Jonathan reassured him, “My father will never find you!  You are going to be the king of Israel, and I will be next to you, as my father, Saul, is well aware.”  So the two of them renewed their solemn pact before the Lord.  Then Jonathan returned home, while David stayed at Horesh.’ (1 Samuel 23:15-18)

David was near Horesh.  Horesh means ‘forest” which denotes a place of protection.  David was protected by God from Saul who wanted to kill him.  Jonathan had a holy friendship with David under God.  He was David’s confidant.  A very rare friendship between two young men.

Jonathan was so close to David that he knew God’s mind concerning them and he knew David was going to be the next king after Saul who was Jonathan’s father.  Jonathan did not mind that David was the next king because God had chosen him instead of him.  There was no jealousy between the two because of that genuine pure love they had for one another.  It was God's love.

Even so Jonathan declared and encouraged David that Saul would not get a hold of him or kill him.  Why? And how did Jonathan know that much?  It is because he knew their God.  The God they had made a pact of friendship with.  Jonathan’s name means God has given.  Gift of God.  Jonathan was truly God’s gift to David at the time and Jonathan became a great blessing to David.  Sometimes God puts special friends in your life for a certain time in your life and you ought to be very thankful for them and also be that friend to them. Not to spoil the ending but Saul and Jonathan are killed in battle and David loses his special friend then.  What a heart wrenching experience that must have been.  We must not take any friend like that for granted.  Do you have a friend like that who watches your back.  Hang on to him and be very thankful.  Friends like that are willing to overlook each other’s fault and let love to cover their multitude of sins.  It is so precious that only God can do it.  If you have never experienced a love like that start with Jesus.  He is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.  He will never fail you and there are men like that that will be that close to you.


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