Double for Your Trouble

I must pinch myself…A while ago God showed me in the Bible that he would give me double the blessings for the troubles I have had in my life starting with those thoughts of suicide I experienced a couple years ago.  I believe now those thoughts were none other than attacks from the enemy Satan.  He wanted to destroy me and kill me.  That is what he wants to do in all of our lives.  No question about that, if you think that Satan has a gram of good in him, think again.  He disguises himself as the angel of Light.

The reason I am sharing with you about the double blessing is that by faith I can almost taste it and it makes sense that if it is in the Bible for our own good.  God is so wonderful…why wouldn’t he not do that?

Sometimes tough, we feel like we deserve double trouble because we like to think of God as a severe and angry God. But here in Isaiah 61:7 that is not what he says.  You see! God loves us so much that he gave us his Son and then he gives us some more.  It might sound crazy but that is the kind of God I serve.  If you want to serve your own God as being stingy and angry that is your problem.  I am going to serve a generous God…the one the Bible talks about.

Isaiah 61:7 says: “Because you got a double dose of trouble and more than your share of contempt.  Your inheritance in the land will be doubled and your joy go on forever.”

I do not know how you want to read this but as far as I am concerned the Bible is supposed to be read with faith rather than doubts in your heart.  Again, I choose to read it with faith in my heart and I take this verse to be my own.  I personalize it!  You can personalize just about everything today so why not the Bible.

My challenge for you is to step forward in the things of God.  Accept everything by faith and move on.

Our victory is not Fear but Faith and we move on fighting the good Fight.

This past Sunday in the sermon the preacher was saying that she felt that God was about to do something big.  Do you feel the excitement in your church?  We must expect him to.


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